NC Air Infiltration

NC Air Infiltration

Air Infiltration New Commercial What is Air Infiltration? Air infiltration or air leakage refers to the uncontrolled and unintentional penetration of fresh air through leaks in the building envelope caused by wind, rising heat or stack effect, or ineffective...
NC Vegetated Roofs

NC Vegetated Roofs

Vegetated Roofs New Commercial What is a Vegetated Roof? A vegetated roof or green roof consists of vegetation in a lightweight growing medium placed on top of the drainage layer, root barrier, and waterproof membrane (see Figure 1). Vegetated roofs provide many...
NC Pervious Hardscape Materials

NC Pervious Hardscape Materials

Pervious Hardscape Materials New Commercial What are Pervious Hardscape Materials? Pervious paving systems absorb water rather than diverting water into underlying soils, reducing runoff and treating pollutants as water passes through soils and replenishes...
NC Native and Adapted Plants

NC Native and Adapted Plants

Native and Adapted Plants New Commercial What are Native and Adapted Plants? Native plant species thrive naturally in a particular region, ecosystem or habitat without direct or indirect human actions.[1] Adapted plants have evolved to the physical conditions such as...
NC Light Pollution

NC Light Pollution

Light Pollution Reduction New Commercial What is Light Pollution? Light pollution refers to noticeable artificial light at night (ALAN), an unwelcome by-product of excessive outdoor lighting, especially vertical illuminance that includes such effects as skyglow, the...