Building Evaluation New Commercial What is Building Evaluation? Building evaluation is the ongoing process of assessing the actual performance of a building as compared to design or facility goals or a peer group of buildings or building types. Building Performance...
Smart Meters New Commercial What are Smart Meters? Smart meters or advanced meters, a component of the broader smart grid[1], use digital meters to record and transmit energy consumption and generation data, namely electricity, but also natural gas or water usage in...
Smart Sensors and Controls New Commercial What are Smart Sensors and Controls? Smart sensors are devices that monitor conditions of the physical environment and building equipment such as temperature, air flow, moisture, humidity, lighting and daylighting levels,...
High-Efficiency Lighting System and NLCs New Commercial What are High-Efficiency Lighting System and NLCs? A high-efficiency lighting system integrates daylighting and energy efficient electrical lighting with networked lighting controls (NLCs), to provide a...
Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) New Commercial What are Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings? A Grid-interactive Efficient Building (GEB) refers to an energy efficient building with smart technologies (e.g., smart meters, appliances, sensors and controls)...